Does the Library Have Any Agreements for Open Access Fees/Article Processing Charges?

We realize that article processing charges (APCs) to publish your article open access can be significant.  The library is reviewing opportunities to support faculty with article processing charges, and we currently have a pilot program to fund open access fees.

Please contact the UUP Individual Development Award (IDA) Program committee to see if the charges are eligible for reimbursement through this program, as there are specific requirements for IDA.

Currently, the library has one agreement for a discount on APCs:

  • Elsevier will provide SUNY Empire State authors with a 10% discount

In Fall 2024, the library began participating in ACM Open, which provides SUNY Empire authors with free open access publication in any Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) publications.

The library will continue to monitor any opportunities to expand the publishers and journals that will provide SUNY Empire State University faculty and staff with open access publishing privileges.



  • Last Updated Dec 12, 2024
  • Views 62
  • Answered By Shannon Pritting

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